
  • Helen district heat generation dataset 2015-2020

    I was notified yesterday that Helsinki district heating company Helen published their district heat generation data from 2015-2020. This is very nice indeed, since generation data has been notoriously hard to get as a researcher. I’m leaving here some notes on how to read the data in a Jupyter notebook.

  • model development on

    For developing and training deep learning models, a GPU-enabled computing resource is a must. I did not even bother trying on my laptop, but went straight ahead to using cloud resources as recommended by tutorial. I started first using Paperspace Gradient as per instructions, but it soon occurred to me that the free notebook servers were most of the time loaded full. Paying a bit extra would not have been a problem, but in order to access the paid GPU servers, a monthly subscription would have been a must. I could not justify that cost yet, so I arrived at another suggested solution,

  • Hello, World!

    Hello world, this is my first Jekyll blog post.

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